Siege in Fog Chapter 17.3

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How will Third Madam explain it all to Papa Yi? Will he believe her? Find out below…

© 12 and
2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of the translation without express and written permission from 12 is strictly prohibited.


Ch. 17.3

‘Father was still stationed far away at that time. How could the first wife afford to let my mother wait for his return? She was behind the whole affair, but she had covered her tracks well. After the retainer reported back, she declared that since such a thing had happened, of course my mother could not be allowed to stay and gave orders for her to be thrown out of the house. Fortunately, Father had a very competent aide back then by the name of Fan. Everyone called him Mr Fan. As he was recovering from malaria at that time, he had not followed Father to Canghe but had stayed behind in Fuyuan instead. He travelled overnight to the residence and told the first wife: “This is the Marshal’s family matter and not really something we can involve ourselves in. But, Third Madam has always been the Marshal’s favourite so it is imperative that I inform him of this matter.”

The first wife, being a shrewd and difficult one to deal with, gave an irrefutable excuse: if Father were to learn that my mother had committed such a shameless act, he would be furious. It was therefore better to send my mother away first and wait until Father’s return to inform him of it.

It was at this point that Mr Fan informed her: “Before the Marshal left, he entrusted Third Young Master to my care. Third Madam has now become embroiled in such an affair. Leaving aside all other considerations, precisely because she is Third Young Master’s birth mother, I must and will report the matter to the Marshal.”

Only then did the first wife realise that Father had already taken precautions against her and had even made such arrangements in secret. It only deepened her resentment towards my mother and me and this grudge just became more bitter. Before Father’s return, that uncle of mine inexplicably¹ sickened and died in prison. Dead men tell no tales. My mother knew that the first wife was the one behind it all, but there was nothing she could do. By the time Father returned, the whole affair was a complete muddle and no one could explain it clearly.

¹ 莫名其妙 mòmíng-qímiào. If you’re not reading this chapter at hiding in plain sight, it has been stolen and reproduced by novelscraping sites.

My mother was born into nobility and all her life, her reputation meant everything to her. Although she was not Father’s legal wife, they had still enjoyed conjugal bliss, shared the same tastes in poetry and literature and were devoted to each other. Even though Father never once reproached her over it, she came to regard having to bear this singularly absurd injustice as a most galling humiliation and refused to speak to him again after that. Brooding on it day in and day out brought on an illness and she passed on after only half a year. When she was ill, Father tried to visit her many times, but she ordered her servants to bar him from the room. When she passed away, Father wept for a spell but within half a year, he had taken a fourth concubine. When I saw his beaming face as he married Fourth Aunt, I swore to myself that I would never ever take a concubine as long as I lived. My mother wasn’t like Lady Li of the Han dynasty, fearing that her sickly appearance would disgust her husband so much that he wouldn’t care for me after she passed on. No, the reason she wouldn’t see him on her deathbed, not even once, was because she couldn’t forgive him. For if he had rushed home after getting the urgent telegram from Mr Fan, or had that uncle transferred out of prison to Canghe so that he wouldn’t have died, then my mother would not have had to suffer such injustice. My mother was proud, upright and unyielding in character and never expected to have her reputation so besmirched in the end. So she was actually angered to death and the one who drove her to her death was that first wife.’

To Qin Sang, this long account was little short of revelatory², more so for it concerned events of sixteen years ago. Although his tone when recounting the whole was matter-of-fact, it had all happened not long after the fall of the Qing dynasty and the thinking of that time was extremely conservative. A concubine who had been so defamed by the first wife was bound to have no way to protest her innocence. To think she was so depressed that it had cost her her life, but she had still refused to see her husband even once as she lay dying… Qin Sang could not help thinking that her mother-in-law had a disposition that was unyielding in the extreme.

‘But three years later, Lao Da fell off his horse and became a cripple. Everyone in the household whispered that it was retribution upon the first wife for having driven Third Madam to her grave. The first wife was also secretly fearful and kept engaging priests and monks to conduct rituals, ostensibly to help protect Lao Da from calamities and disasters when actually all those prayers were intended for my mother’s soul to find peace. I used to find it amusing when I heard the first wife muttering to herself in the worship hall. Having done what she did, did she really think there would be no retribution? Lao Da’s accident was just the beginning.’

² 聞所未聞 wénsuǒwèiwén. Translation belongs to theresanother(DOT)wordpress(DOT) com.

When she heard this part, Qin Sang felt her hair standing on end and she impulsively clasped his hand. Yi Liankai’s hand was slightly cold, but his cheeks were slightly flushed, as though he were tipsy. He went on, ‘All those notions of divine justice are nothing but lies. All of them owe me a life but now that cripple of a Lao Da has actually managed to get me. Even after so many years of carefully laying my plans, I’ve still fallen short by one chess move³.’

With her own thoughts in turmoil, Qin Sang could only strive to comfort him, saying, ‘Since it’s already water under the bridge, then try not to dwell on it. Otherwise Madam will not feel at ease in the netherworld.’

Yi Liankai began laughing derisively. ‘If my mother is in the netherworld, then she should really come back to strangle me. I bent my mind to it and schemed for so long only to lose to a cripple. It’s one thing if I can’t even pride myself⁴ on having avenged her but to have let myself be trapped here as well means I’m truly… useless beyond belief…’

⁴ 揚眉吐氣 yángméi-tǔqì. Please consider reading from theresanother(DOT)wordpress(DOT)com rather than from novelscraping sites.

Qin Sang understood that his vicious streak had been sixteen years in the making. She herself had never heard the true story until today and outsiders would certainly never imagine that a wealthy young master leading a life of dissipation would harbour such ambitions in his breast. Life though was unpredictable and although he had done everything he could to force Yi Lianshen into exile in the northwest, he had now fallen into Yi Lianyi’s trap. It was both regrettable and pitiful and she did not even know where to begin persuading him.

At the outset of her marriage, she had really hated his character. She had mistrusted him even more after witnessing upheavals in the family such as the coup in Fuyuan and his being made Chief Commander. But now they were walled in by their worries and it was just the two of them, husband and wife. He had confided to her his secret anguish and it had caused a faint stirring of pity and tenderness in her. Moreover, she knew that he was deeply devoted to her. Had it not been for this coincidence, he would hardly have confided in her.

Unsurprisingly, Yi Liankai said, ‘Lao Da may not spare me. My death is nothing to sigh over but I’m afraid of implicating you when that happens. If you can escape…’ He paused slightly before continuing. ‘I know these last few years have been hard on you. If you can escape, then just forget that I ever existed. Remarry, or go abroad, it doesn’t matter. Just don’t let yourself suffer any more. You’re still young and have the rest of your life to live…’

(Approx. 1371 words)

🎶 A song that seems to fit Chapter 17. 🎶

12’s notes:
³ ‘fall short by one chess move’: 棋差一著 qí chà yī zhāo.
23/10/2018: New screenshots added.
21/3/2020: Deleted most footnotes.

☆ Please show moral support by reading the original and free translations from hiding in plain sight. © 12 and 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of the above material without express and written permission from 12 is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to 12 and theresanother(DOT)wordpress(DOT)com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Example here. Registered & Protected 


Translated and edited by 12

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18 thoughts on “Siege in Fog Chapter 17.3

  1. I’m so sorry to any readers who wanted to leave a comment for this chapter but couldn’t earlier. I didn’t realise that the comments section had been turned off until just now. 😰 My thanks to Meicheun who alerted me to it in another post!


  2. Haha I thought that was the case be weird if 12 just said “forget about you readers’ opinions!”. Anyways, I like the whole “if I die you go and live on” comment makes him more likable–(I think) it also validated my assumption about how he really feels about her. Glad she FINALLY noticed how much YLK actually fancy her I was about to throw a table at her for being ignorant lol. Confiding in her was the best thing he did to improve their relationship unfortunately warlord stuff is always messy so this story will probably end up being a tearjerker. Poor YLK.


  3. I feel like as a human being I was being too harsh on YLK lol, it feels like all the bad things he has done have been somewhat explained and I had a deeper understanding on why he did the things that he has done.
    Though, I can somehow say that if QS knew all the things the YLK has done she will be back to her old self and hate YLK even more.

    It makes me think that if she only learned to accept him in their early days of marriage, he probably wouldnt have any sort of relationship with Min something and his second sister-in-law and all the other ladies.

    I keep thinking that if it weren’t for QS’s stubborn character and her immense hatred for YLK then they would probably have a child a long time ago. I mean it would have been nice to have 2 kids.


    1. You’re more on point than you think, Feb! We have a lot of little hints and references about Qin Sang’s stubbornness right from the opening chapter.

      I think he would have had those affairs anyway because he had a motive for them. Although that is probably crossing a line for many readers. Still, Liankai has never made a secret of his views of women and their place in his world. The kind of fidelity we value now was not a concept in those times.

      To me though, this is why the novel is ‘better’ than the drama adaptation. The characters are amoral in the novel. The drama chose to romanticise them far more by emphasizing the theme of redemption. The novel is consistent throughout in this sense — there isn’t much they wouldn’t stoop to and as idontreadsite and Salma have pointed out, they’re flawed characters who have the freedom to make bad choices and live with the consequences. When you make that many bad choices, it’s pretty hard to have redemption. If you’re going to regret it all, why do all those things in the first place?

      One of the interesting things to speculate about is why Min Hongyu and Er Sao got involved with him? Their stories are interesting too.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Even if Yi Lian Kai told her this in the beginning Qin Sang is stubborn and hasn’t warm up to him yet so I doubt she would care too much about him personally. A relationship takes time she needed to see a genuine side of Yi Lian Kai before accepting him. Qin Sang’s attitude toward Yi Lian Kai is justified too although prolonging it for a few years can be a bit extreme. But if we look at Qin Sang’s perspective she was forced to marry someone she didn’t know and obviously didn’t love so of course she would be spiteful. Yi Lian Kai on the other hand is a smart man he wouldn’t just spill the beans to Qin Sang unless he trusted her. Also he did say numerous times that he didn’t want to get her involved in his problems (plotting for revenge) since that would endanger her life. Even though she hated him he cherished her. Sadly, she is his weakness so people will use it against him. When it comes to Hongyu and Er Sao, everyone views him as a playboy so it would be easier to mask the women he uses as “affairs” instead of doing business. Hongyu I think I can guess how she got involved with Yi Lian Kai but for Er Sao I’m still wondering how the heck did that happened? Lol.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Yeh 12, you got it sorted out. Happy to see all your comments.
    Glad the author is beginning to show YLK’s true colors. I don’t think he ever had an affair with Hongyu, she was working under him.


    2nd sis in law was in love with him before she married second brother, right??? Not sure if I read it in one of the earlier chapter or did I see it in one of the trailer.

    Oops! if so, please delete this part of my comment. Don’t want to be a spoilsport!


  5. Thank you 12 for this chapter !
    _ Why I can see his mother through QS for being so stuborn and defending her pride till the last breath?
    – I was 100% sure from the train chapter about YLK actions his position is shaky he doesnt have much power so people can threat him with QS that’s why he was treating her badly
    – Maybe YLK has foreseing the outcoming he knew maybe he will die one day that’s why (maybe) he used so many triks to marry QS even with force ( maybe they will explain it later ) he was (maybe) thinking : “I have to avenge my mother no matter what , I will use every trick in my mind of course I may die in the road but I have to had the one I love the most no matter the consequences before my eyes no matter how and when even for some couple of years ”
    – I am quite waiting for everyone story now MH , PJC , Er Sao , YLY, YLS, and QS and YLK first encounter and first night ❤


      1. Thank you, Salma 😘 Song preferences are very subjective so it’s nice to hear that you thought it was a good fit too!


    1. Come to think of it, all three are pretty stubborn. Heh.
      Yep, Er Sao will be something of a riddle still but we’ll be getting glimpses into some of the others. 😁 💕


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